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OneStarter is designed as a monorepo with several standalone components.

├── backend             # Backend CF worker service
├── db # Supabase
├── email-templates # Email templates and previews
├── frontend # Frontend react web app
├── infra # IaC terraform infrastructure
└── reverse-proxy # Reverse proxy CF worker service

Developing locally, you will mostly be working with the backend, frontend, and db folders. This document will break down quickly an overview of each and how to get work with them locally.

The philosophy with OneStarter is that, wherever possible, you can run everything locally. This means you can develop, test, and deploy your project without needing to rely on external services. The only exception (currently) is the AI functionality which requires network access to Cloudflare's service.

backend directory

The backend is written to run on Cloudflare workers using the Hono framework. It is a REST API that handles the following functions out of the box:

  • server-side authentication/session management
  • email sending
  • AI functions
  • user-tenant context provision
  • administrative actions (impersonation, control pane data, etc.)
  • webhook handling (Supabase Auth email sending, payment processing, etc.)
  • file storage (S3 compatible)

and can be extended to any additional functionality needed that cannot be provided by the Supabase REST API.

You can run the project locally:

bun run dev

This will start the backend on localhost:8787, and also boot up an email bridge for local SMTP handling ( see email for more details).



You can configure the backend's infrastructure through the wrangler.toml file.


Cloudflare's AI functionality requires you log in to an account to be billed for usage. If you do not need Cloudflare's AI functionality at all, you can disable it in the wrangler toml by commenting out the following lines

binding = "AI"

Please note: you will also need to ensure you are not using the /api/v1/ai/* endpoints if you do this, or have written an alternative.

The wrangler.toml also contains:

  • environment variables
  • bindings to other services
    • LLMs (Cloudflare AI)
    • R2 (S3 compatible storage)

Please review the wrangler documentation for further details.

Environment secrets

Environment secrets are managed in the .dev.vars file. You can copy the .dev.vars.example file to .dev.vars and fill in the values as needed.

When you add additional environment secret, ensure you update the src/types.ts Bindings, and your CI/CD as well.

For example, let us add a new environment secret MY_ENV_VAR. We've updated our .dev.vars, and now need to update the types and our CI/CD

// src/types.ts
export type Bindings = {
MY_ENV_VAR: string;
// rest ...

// this allows you to access it through the Hono context"/my-endpoint", async (c) => {
return c.json({myEnvVar: c.env.MY_ENV_VAR});

In our Github actions files, we would set it here:

# .github/workflows/backend-cf-deploy.yml

- name: Deploy to Cloudflare Workers
uses: cloudflare/wrangler-action@v3
apiToken: ${{ secrets.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN }}
workingDirectory: backend
environment: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && 'production' || 'staging' }}
command: deploy
secrets: |
# ..other secrets
# ...other secrets
MY_ENV_VAR: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/head/main' && secrets.PRODUCTION_MY_ENV_VAR || secrets.STAGING_MY_ENV_VAR }}

db directory

The db directory contains everything to do with our supabase setup.

You can find the configuration file under db/supabase/config.toml, and the documentation for it here.

There are some helper commands locally from the db directory. You can see the by running just in the terminal.

Running the db locally

just up

This spins up supabase if it is not running. You can restart it by

just restart

If you wish to clear your local database and start fresh, you can do

just reset

Adding a new migration

A new migration can be generated in the db/supabase/migrations directory by running

just new-migration my_migration_name

Now you can edit the SQL directory in the generated file.

Running migrations locally

You can run the migrations locally by running

just migrate

This will apply the migrations to the local database, generate the frontend types in the frontend/src folder, and export a schema dump for ease of PR review of differences.

email-templates directory

Email templates are powered with React Email. You can preview the emails locally by running:

bun run dev

This will start the email preview server on http://localhost:3333/. You can then navigate to the email you wish to preview.

Emails are localized by default with locales found under src/locales. If you wish to add a new language, you can do so by adding a new file in the src/locales directory, and updating the src/types.ts and src/root-locales.ts files.

Adding a new email template requires adding a new folder under the src/emails folder and a child component called Email.tsx. The naming is important as this is what is used to generate the code in the backend.

There is a CI/CD pipeline that picks up on changes and adds the generated code to the backend. You can also manually trigger it locally via:

bun run export

frontend directory

The frontend is a React web app bootstrapped with Vite. It is designed to be a standalone application that can be deployed to Cloudflare Pages.

For the purposes of local development, the project is ran on port 3000, with a proxy to the backend for requests routed at /api. You can run the project via:

bun run dev

The vite configuration sets the local development port and how to access the backend. If you wish to change these settings, you can do so in the vite.config.ts file.

Mantine components are used throughout the project. You can find the documentation for Mantine here.

Environment variables

All environment variables for the frontend are by default not treated as secrets. Any variable exposed via the VITE_ prefix will be available in the browser. You can set your environment variables in your .env.local file. See the .env.placeholder for an example.

If you do add secrets that you do not wish to be exposed to the browser, make sure you test thoroughly that they are only used at build time.


Routing is handled client side via the React Router. You can find the routing configuration in the src/modules/Router.tsx file.

Client-side pages are dynamically loaded using loadable.

The <GuardPage> component can be used to handle page-level access. Granular access control can be managed via the <Can> component. These components check for both permissions and feature access based on billing plans.

Layouts are handled as parent elements in a router with an <Outlet/> element from React Router.

Adding a New Protected Feature Route Example

// src/modules/Router.tsx

const MyNewPage = loadable(
() => import("@/modules/new-module/MyNewPage"),

// as a child of the tenant layout, for example
id: "newModule",
path: "my-new-page",
handle: {
permissions: ["select/my-new-table"],
features: ["new-module"]
element: (
// ...

This will check that:

  1. The user is authenticated
  2. The user has the select/my-new-table permission under a given user-tenant context
  3. The user has the new-module feature enabled under a given user-tenant context

If all of these match, then the page will be served.

Querying & State Management

The frontend uses Jotai for state management, combined with Tanstack React Query for data fetching.

These libraries allow for powerful reactive programming patterns with little mental overhead. For example, here we can see how a query can cascade to an atom:

// src/modules/tenants/tenants.queries.ts
export const activeTenantQueryAtom = atomWithQuery((get) => ({
queryKey: ["currentTenant", get(tenantSlugAtom)],
queryFn: async ({queryKey: [, tenantSlug]}) => {
if (!tenantSlug) {
return null;

const {data, error} = await supabase
.eq("slug", tenantSlug)

if (error) {
throw error;

return data;

export const activeTenantAtom = atom((get) => get(activeTenantQueryAtom)?.data);
export const tenantIdAtom = atom((get) => get(activeTenantAtom)?.id);

The tenantIdAtom can then, for example, be used to just get the tenant id. This can be particularly useful in the context of tenant-based queries. Here is an example from the in-app notifications

// src/modules/in-app-notifications/in-app-notifications.queries.ts
export const useInAppNotifications = (
pageIndex: number,
showReadNotifications: boolean,
) => {
const tenantId = useAtomValue(tenantIdAtom);

return useQuery({
queryKey: [
queryFn: () =>
enabled: !!tenantId,

export const inAppNotificationsPreviewAtom = atomWithQuery((get) => ({
queryKey: ["inAppNotificationsPreview", get(tenantIdAtom)],
queryFn: async ({queryKey: [, tenantId]}) => {
if (!tenantId) {
return {
data: [],
pagination: {
total: 0,
pageSize: 3,
page: 1,

return await fetchNotifications({
tenantId: tenantId as string,
pageIndex: 0,
pageSize: 3,
showReadNotifications: false,

When using a query that requires page level arguments, a react hook is preferred over using a Jotai atom. Examples of this would be things like table pagination, search, or filters.

Jotai query atoms are better when it is shared state across pages that can cascade.


Some useful commands can be found below

# build the frontend
$ bun run build
bunx --bun tsc -b && bunx --bun vite build

# extract the localization keys from the source code
$ bun run i18n:extract
i18next 'src/**/*.{ts,tsx}' [-oc]

# preview the production built project locally
$ bun run preview
bunx --bun vite preview

infra directory

The infra directory contains the Terraform configuration for the project.

The terraform configuration sets up:

  • Supabase configurations (Staging and Production)
  • Empty Cloudflare Pages for your frontend
  • Cloudflare WAF rule for backend webhooks route

All terraform state is managed in your preferred cloudflare_r2_bucket_name bucket.


Due to the nature of Cloudflare's wrangler.toml offering us most of the infrastructure configuration you need, this is a pretty basic setup.

If you wish, you can even disable this altogether and manually set up Cloudflare and Supabase.

reverse-proxy directory

The primary goal of the reverse proxy is to serve your frontend and backend requests under the same domain.

Secondarily, it does basic session injection and security headers. Locally, you do not need it when developing since Vite provides a proxy service from the frontend directory, but you can always test it anyhow.

You can run it locally with:

bun run dev

This will start the reverse proxy on localhost:8788. If you have the backend and frontend running now, you can see that all your requests will go through localhost:8788.

As with the backend, the wrangler.toml file contains the configuration for the reverse proxy.


Ensure that, when naming your services, your BACKEND_SERVICE binding for staging and production match the names of your services. This is how Cloudflare communicates with them.

services = [
{ binding = "BACKEND_SERVICE", service = "<app>-backend-staging" }

Out of the box, the reverse proxy has no secrets, all environment variables can be found in the wrangler.toml file.

Common Concepts


Linting and formatting is done using biome. Typescript is used extensively. Directories with package.json have the following commands for linting/validation (exception: email templates).

  $ bun run check:ci
biome check --changed src/

$ bun run check:all
biome check src/

$ bun run check
biome check --staged src/

$ bun run format:all
biome check --write src/

$ bun run format
biome check --staged --write src/

$ bun run typecheck
bunx --bun tsc --noEmit --pretty

$ bun run validate
bun run check:ci && bun run typecheck

Environment variables vs secrets

In general, environment variables should be managed in your wrangler.toml file when applicable, and secrets in your environment secret files. Environment variables are for configuration, and secrets for sensitive data.


Do not commit secrets to your repository. Use Github secrets or other secure methods to manage your secrets.

In some instances, e.g. frontend deployment, where you are not working with a wrangler.toml file, you can set environment variables in Github actions environment variables section instead of secrets.